Employment Contracts...
Below are our articles on the subject of Employment Contracts. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Agency Work & Contracts
Any worker who is employed by an agency must have a contract with the agency and it should contain details and expectations of both the worker and the agency....

Broken Employment Contracts
There are various ways to resolve the matter or broken employment contracts before taking the costly legal route....

Changing a Contract
Making changes to an employement contract is a process that should involve consultations and agreements between employees and employer in order to avoid any conflict…...

Contracts and Self Employment
The self employed business person should have contracts in place that sets out the relationship that will exist between themselves and the person or company that is…...

Employee's Written Statements
Employee’s written statements are important documents and the failure to issue a requested statement could have serious consequences for the employer....

Employment Contracts Explained
Written employment contracts should be set in place within two months of a new employee beginning employment, but even a worker without a contract still has statutory…...

Illegal Employment Contracts
There has been a rise in illegal employment contracts in Britain in recent years and the rise in the severity of penalties to both employers and employees has…...

Overseas Worker's Contracts
Overseas worker’s contracts will have numerous terms and conditions that will not be required in a resident UK worker’s contract such as the controversial dual…...

Part Time Worker's Contract
In terms of statutory rights and employment terms and conditions, a part time worker’s contracts should be equivalent to those of a full time worker who are similarly…...

What Are Office Romance Contracts?
Office romance contracts are becoming extremely popular as a way of stopping sexual harassment claims, but their actual legal validity has been questioned....

What Are T.U.P.E Claims?
If you're faced with transfer of your employment under a TUPE claim, here are the basic facts you need to know....

What If I Don't Have a Written Contract With My Employer?
As an employee you don't have to have your terms agreed in writing, but you are entitled by law to a statement of your employment and your rights. Find out more here....